
Ionic copper body brush "self-care ritual"

Regular price €35,00
Fight against cellulite Stimulate blood circulation Detoxify body Lymphatic drainage Aids in managing water retention

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Your personal care ritual with the ALAUSHU Ionic Copper Body Brush
Dry body brushing is an ancient Ayurvedic tradition that has been practiced for centuries. In Indian medicine, these brushes have been used for lymphatic drainage massage, known for its numerous health benefits.
The ALAUSHU copper body brush, through natural friction with the skin, generates negative ions. These ions help increase oxygen flow to cells and body tissues, boosting energy levels. Thanks to the highly conductive copper alloy bristles, the negative ions are easily absorbed through the skin. When the body receives an excess of negative ions, it is supplied with "reserve" electrons, ready to neutralize the free radicals we battle daily, preventing inflammation and diseases they might cause.
Additionally, dry body massage with this brush:
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Activates lymphatic flow
  • Reduces fluid retention
  • May help combat cellulite and stretch marks
  • Removes dead skin cells
  • Detoxifies the body
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Perform this ritual before your morning shower or evening bath. Start with the palms of your hands or soles of your feet. In long, steady strokes, swipe inwards from the outer parts of the body (hands and feet) towards the heart. Massage rhythmically with the brush, applying gentle pressure to keep the movements straight and controlled. When brushing the neck, move from the shoulders upwards, as gravity naturally helps the blood to flow back to the heart. Use the brush to massage the whole body, except for sensitive areas such as the face, chest, décolletage, etc. After this massage ritual, it is highly recommended to try a contrast shower to improve circulation. Finish this ritual by gently patting skin and applying a soothing body oil. Repeat daily or several times a week or as needed.

The ionized copper bristles are naturally resistant to bacteria, so the ALAUSHU Copper Body Brush requires less frequent maintenance. If you use it more than 4 days a week, clean every 3-4 weeks. If you use it less than 3 days a week, clean every 4-6 weeks. Please note that the wooden base should not encounter water when cleaning a dry brush. Water weakens the wood, which may start to crack or rot over time. Below are instructions on how to clean a copper body brush:  

  1. Fill a bowl with water. The water should cover the bristles and not the wooden part of the brush. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil for disinfection. Tea tree oil is an essential oil with disinfectant properties. An excellent alternative to essential oils - shampoo or body wash.  
  2. Place the brush in the bowl, bristle down, and move it around. The movement loosens dirt and dead cells in the bristles. 
  3. After a few minutes, change the water in the bowl to clean water. Rinse the brush in clean water, moving it in the same way as before.

Place the brush on a dry towel, bristles down. Then blow dry with a hairdryer for a few minutes (avoid hot air) to dry completely. Or let it dry naturally.

The bristles are firm. If you have sensitive skin, use it with caution and test before use. It is not recommended for use on facial skin. If you are expecting, please consult a healthcare professional before use. Keep out of the reach of children.

Please note that if you have a skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or extra-sensitive skin, the ionic body brush may not be for you. Dry brushing of any kind is often too abrasive for these skin types and conditions.

Our copper body brushes are personal hygiene products and cannot be returned.

Consistency is the key. For the best results, ensure you drink plenty of water after each brushing session to help flush out toxins. Be patient, as any new self-care routine requires time to show visible results.

Ionic copper body brush "self-care ritual"

Why choose us?

The Alaushu brush is a thoughtfully crafted, premium-quality product made from beechwood, copper, and sisal bristles. It is entirely free from animal-derived bristles, making it an ethical and animal-friendly choice. Designed for durability, this brush is built to last. Why is it part of our collection? Because we believe in holistic practices that go beyond effective supplements, offering products that support and nurture a healthy, vibrant body.



Anti-bacterial properties

Similar to LPG treatment

Experience the benefits of LPG treatment from the comfort of your home. Affordable, convenient, and built to last, our ionic dry brush is your go-to solution for effective self-care.

Kickstarts lymphatic drainage and detox our body

The brushing motion stimulates lymphatic drainage and is an all-in-one natural detox that have many benefits for mind and body.

Inreases your energy levels

Ion-charged copper bristles help to correct your electromagnetic balance, increasing your energy levels while recharging the body at the cellular level.

Why to choose our ionic dry brush?

Customer Reviews

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Evelina Rutkauskienė (KU)
Varinis šepetys ir kolagenas

Alaushu - Mano Metų Atradimas!

Nors pradžioje žiūrėjau skeptiškai ir galvojau už ką čia tiek mokėti.?.
Bet pasiskaičius daugybę teigiamų atsiliepimų smalsumas vis dėlto nugalėjo🤭 Dar ir nuolaidą pagavau! Kai sekasi, tai sekasi😀

Tai buvo meilė iš pirmo žvilgsnio vos tik gavus ir išpakavus siuntą😍

Su šepečiu jau draugauju kelias savaites. Teko jį prisijaukinti. Pradžioje pasirodė šiurkštus, bet kuo toliau, tuo labiau kūnas priprato ir tai tapo neatsiejama mano kasdienybės dalis, nuolatinė mano ryto ir vakaro rutina. Oda daug švelnesnė, lygesnė, lb sumažėjo jos sausumas, išjudinama limfa, kas man yra lb svarbu, nes dirbu sėdimą darbą. Kad ir sportuoju, bet savimasažai lb padeda😍

Kolagenas. Lb patikti😀
Geriu jau kelias savaites. Bijojau dėl skonio, bet tikrai viskas gerai. Pirkite drąsiai, tikrai rekomenduoju. Man lb tiko šis produktas❤️

Tai geriausia investicija į save.
Negaliu atsidžiaugti❤️

Dar noriu išbandyti hialuroną ir gerąsias bakterijas. Pirkinių sąrašas, kaip ir aiškus😀

Įpakavimas ir visos detalės abejingų nepalieka. O ranka rašyta atvirutė ištirpdė mano širdį🫠❤️

Tik GeriauSios Rekomendacijos Ir Atsiliepimai❤️


Aurelija (SA)
Tikras atradimas!!! 😍🌿 Ačiū jums.

Netikėjau, jog sausas kūno šveitimas gali būti toks veiksmingas, tikrai! Naudoju reguliariai kelis kartus per savaitę. Ir nors dar tik pirmas mėnuo, jau jaučiu pokyčius: oda darosi stangresnė, švelnesnė ir mažiau išsausėjusi (o tai mano viena didžiausių problemų, ypač šaltuoju sezonu). Taip pat, sumažėjo skysčių užsilaikymas kūne. Na ir pajutau, jog po šio ritualo, ypač ryte, energijos žymiai daugiau nei įprastai!!! 😍 Toks
natūralus būdas, kurį gali pritaikyti lengvai namuose, dar labiau suaktyvinant serotonino, dopamino ir kitų hormonų išsiskyrimą! Savaitės eigoje, kai žinau, jog bus daugiau nerimo ar streso, kūno šveitimas ryte man tikra pagalba!

Nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju toms moterims, kurios ieško būdų, kaip kasdien pasijusti sveikesne ir energingesne savo versija 🩷

Eglė A. (VL)
Mėgstamiausias vakaro ritualas

Tikrai labai pasiteisinusi grožio priemonė! Besilaukiant labai padeda dėl besikaupiančių skysčių, ypač rankų srityje. Vakarais stengiuosi visad išmasažuoti pagal instrukciją ir tikrai stipriai sumažina tinimus, atpalaiduoja ir stangrina odą, neabejoju, kad ilgiau panaudojus pamatysiu ir daugiau pliusų! ♥